Kong Adventure
Kong Adventure

Killer Assassin

Killer Assassin 2 votes : 5 / 5 1

Killer Assassin is a game that is both free and entertaining, and it is one that a lot of people enjoy playing.
As you progress through this game, your goal is to complete all of the stages by destroying all of the monsters that are present in each stage. Throughout the entirety of the map, there will be soldiers walking about for you to observe. Simply clicking anywhere on the ground will allow you to move across the map. When you want to annihilate your opponents, you should approach them from behind. You can warn anyone who is in the vicinity. If something like this takes place, they will initially start looking for you. If you are being chased, you should make every attempt to conceal yourself as quickly as possible because you will die after being shot several times on multiple occasions. You will be able to acquire gems for every soldier that you eliminate from the battlefield. They can be used to unlock various characters even when the game is not currently being played.
Let's get started with a game, shall we?

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