Kong Adventure
Kong Adventure

Protect My Dog

Protect My Dog 8 votes : 3.44 / 5 1

Playing Protect My Dog, a free game that makes many people happy, is simultaneously captivating, interactive, and entertaining.
This game's objective is to ensure that your attractive dog is happy, healthy, and fulfilled. You should only be concerned with protecting your small dog throughout this puzzle. The majority of his platforms are located in or near potentially hazardous areas, such as beehives, and he can be seen perched on them. There, he can be found. He will be wherever you find him. Even if he hasn't broken any regulations, the fact that he was stung by the bees shouldn't shock anyone. Bees are renowned for their aggression. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain constant vigilance over him and construct barriers around him to safeguard him from the bees. You should also pay close attention to the platforms on which he is situated in order to prevent him from sustaining injuries by falling off the edge of the platform due to the bees' force.
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