Kong Adventure
Kong Adventure

Sisyphus Simulator

Sisyphus Simulator 2 votes : 2.75 / 5 1

Everyone takes pleasure in playing Sisyphus Simulator, which is a game that is completely free and offers a number of benefits.
You are aiming to get the rock to the finish line, and your goal in this game is to keep it from falling off while you are doing so. After you have entered the game, you can choose to control your character by using the WASD or Arrow keys, and you can also use these keys to push the boulder. Because you need to push the rock carefully in order to avoid it from rolling away and finding its way into the water, you need to exercise caution and pay attention to the principles of physics whenever you are doing so. If you move up the rock in a calm and steady manner, you will be able to reach the top of the rock without losing control of it. The rocks and individuals that are available to choose from are of exceptional quality.
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