Kong Adventure
Kong Adventure

Super Stacker 2

Super Stacker 2 6 votes : 3.92 / 5 1

Many individuals take pleasure in playing Super Stacker 2, which may be accessed for free on the internet.
The goal of this game is to complete each level by building a tower out of the many blocks of different shapes that are presented to you at the beginning of each level. Best of luck! Your stack has to remain active for ten seconds after the task it was assigned has been completed before you can move on to the next level. As you go through the game's levels, you won't just be asked to build a standard tower; rather, you'll be tasked with assembling a wide range of distinct constructions. You are free to make use of a number of forms, such as squares, circles, and triangles. There are a total of four unique difficulties, and each of those difficulties is built on ten increasingly harder stages. You won't be able to play the extra mode until you've completed all 40 of the game's stages. Good luck! You also have the ability to create your own unique levels to play in the game if you so like.
Let's go head-to-head in this game and see who comes out on top.



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